Policies & Procedures of an IT Help Desk

Like a modern-day cavalry, the IT help desk comes to the rescue of frustrated computer users when a cursor freezes or an error message appears. The service technicians who staff the help desk are committed to solving problems and restoring productivity. They rely on clearly stated policies and procedures to help them do their jobs.

Supported-Products Policy

A successful IT help desk defines the hardware and software products it supports. No organization can support every device and every application. Defining the universe of supported products and providing users with this information sets reasonable expectations for help desk services. Hardware procurement policies that trigger the replacement of machines as they reach their useful life span, determine the devices the help desk must support. A software support policy specifies that service technicians only provide users with help on legally licensed, company-approved software. To avoid misunderstandings, a policy may also state that the help desk cannot support users' personal equipment.

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Service-Level Policy

An effective IT support policy includes information about the level of service that the help desk provides. The policy sets standards for the length of time technicians take to perform such tasks as resolving routine user issues, setting up new systems and ending network outages. It may take anywhere from 15 minutes to several business days to solve a problem, depending on the size of the organization and the complexity of the problem. A service-level policy also establishes communication protocols for problems so severe that they can't be resolved within the specified time. For example, the help desk policy may designate a single point of contact who communicates with the user about progress made toward fixing a problem.

Service Procedures

Documenting the IT help desk's procedures gives technicians a template for providing users with consistent service. A written procedure walks the technician through the process of collecting information about the user, the user's system and the reason for the help desk call. Next, the technician assesses the severity of the problem, creates a "ticket" or report for the incident, and uses resources such as a support database to resolve the issue or escalate it to someone who can resolve it.

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Service Desk Evaluation Procedures

Help desk service providers use several procedures to measure the quality of their performance. Service calls are often recorded and reviewed by supervisors who check a technician's compliance with policies and procedures and evaluate the interaction with the user. In addition, many companies use a ticket-tracking system that provides objective feedback about how long it takes technicians to resolve different kinds of incidents. Surveying customers about their satisfaction with their help desk experience is another way to gather useful information and assess the help desk's value to an organization.
