A building permit application is required for building permits, site development permits, and zoning permits. Find the electrical permit, mechanical permit, plumbing permit applications, and the simple erosion control requirements form. For Portland and Maywood Park building permits.
All building and zoning permits require a standard set of forms and plans. The requirements depend on the project type and the scope of work.
Building permit application for the City of Portland and the City of Maywood Park:
Solicitud de permiso de construcción (Building Permit Application) (Spanish) 774.82 KB Giấy phép Xây dựng Thành phố (Building Permit Application) (Vietnamese) 976.92 KB 建筑许可证 (Building Permit Application) (Chinese) 605.72 KBMost projects also require you to submit plans that describe the project. The plans must also show compliance with code requirements.
The requirements differ depending on the project type and your proposed scope of work.
Plan simple para el sitio (Spanish) 384.19 KB Простой план участка (Russian) 348.85 KB Sơ đồ Đơn giản của Địa điểm (Vietnamese) 365.45 KB 场地规划略图 (Chinese) 547.56 KBSearch Portland.gov for a project type to find specific application requirements. For example, search for "Commercial Alteration" or "Decks".
You might also want to read What You Need to Apply for a Permit- Minimum Submittal Requirements.
If you are a homeowner acting as a general contractor, be aware of the responsibilities listed in this handout from the State of Oregon to prevent problems.
Заявление владельца недвижимости относительно обязанностей во время строительства (Russian) 206.3 KB Tuyên bố của Chủ sở hữu Bất động sản Về Trách nhiệm Xây dựng (Vietnamese) 198.4 KB 业主声明 关于施工责任 (Chinese) 341.02 KBIf you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, we recommend you book a free 15-minute appointment with us. We're here for you if you have questions about the information and materials you need to apply.