Anti-Corruption Policy

We voluntarily signed the UN Global Compact in 2004, committing to “work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.” Our Group Anti-Corruption Compliance Program and Policy are part of this commitment to maintain and promote world-class standards of business integrity and trust, wherever we operate.

Group Anti-Corruption Compliance Program

To prevent risks of corruption and bribery, Capgemini has implemented a robust, regularly updated Anti-Corruption Compliance Program which has been rolled out across the Group through a dedicated organization. It is based on the following pillars:

Group Anti-Corruption Policy

The Group has set up a series of clear rules and policies promoting the fight against corruption and bribery. While the Group Code of Business Ethics sets out clearly the Group zero tolerance for corruption, the Group Anti-Corruption Policy affirms this position and goes further. It presents the main corrupt practices and includes examples of risky situations and how to avoid them.

It sets out requirements that apply to all Capgemini Directors, Executives, and employees at any level of the Group. Third parties interacting with a Group company are also expected to comply with the general principles presented.

The policy presents rules to be followed when offering or receiving third-party entertainment, meals, gifts, and travel and lodging for both private persons and public officials. It also explains risks and rules related to sponsorships, charitable donations, sales agents and consultants as well as lobbying. Violations of the policy are sanctionable.

Following anti-corruption rules and regulations leads to better business and builds trust, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Group’s growth. In an increasingly competitive world, integrity has become an asset valued by our clients, business-partners, employees and society at large.