California Parking Laws 2024 – Everything You Should Know

California Parking Laws - Everything You Should Know

This is why it’s important to know the specific ones in YOUR state.

If you’re from California, then we’ve got you covered.

Here, we’re going to take you through all the California parking laws that you should know about this 2024.

This way, you can avoid causing traffic or accidents, while avoiding a ticket, too.

So shall we begin?

Parking Laws in California

Parking laws in California

In California, there are colored curbs that tell you whether you can park there or not.

Here are the meanings of each color:

Additionally, disabled persons with a placard are allowed to use parking for any amount of time, regardless of the time limit posted on the signs.

Misuse of a disabled person’s license plate results in loss of parking privileges and is punishable by up to 6 months of imprisonment and/or a fine of $1000.

Illegal Parking in California

What if there is no color code on a curb you want to park on?

This is when it’s important to know where it is illegal to park in California.

So here are some places that are illegal to park in:

Penalties for Parking Laws in California

What happens if you break these California parking laws?

You will face certain penalties in the form of tickets and fines.

Here is a table showing the parking violation and penalty:

Parking ViolationPenalty
Parking on Bike Lane$50
Parking Intersection$50
Parking Posted Fire Lane$100
Parking or Blocking Crosswalk$50
Parking in Special Spaces$35
Parking or Blocking a Driveway$50
Parking within 15 feet of a Fire Station Driveway$35
Double Parking$35
Parking or Stopping in Tunnel$35
Parking or Blocking Sidewalk for Wheelchair Access$445
Parallel Parking$35
Curb Parking$23
Vehicle Parked or Stopped in Opposite Direction of Traffic$35
Parallel Parking on Left on One-Way Street$35
Block Access to Disabled Space$445
Blue Zone Disabled Parking Only$445
Parking within 15 feet of Fire Hydrants$100
Parking Near Railroad Track$50
Private Property Posting$52
Exceeding Posted Time Limit$57
Leaving Person Locked Inside Vehicle$53

You may have to pay more if:

Safe Parking Tips

Okay, now that we’ve told you the California parking laws and their penalties, let’s give you some helpful safe parking tips.

Parallel Parking

When parking parallel to the road, here are some reminders:

  1. Find a parking space that is at least 3ft longer than your vehicle.
  1. Don’t forget to turn on your signal when doing the maneuver.
  1. Pull up alongside the vehicle in front of your chosen parking space. Have a distance of about 2ft between your vehicle and the vehicle beside you. Stop once the rear bumper is aligned in front of your parking space.
  1. Check the rearview mirror and put your vehicle in reverse.
  1. Back up into the parking space by turning your wheels at about 45 degrees.
  1. Straighten out your parking by turning the steering wheel away from the curb and pulling forward or backward to straighten out. By now, your vehicle will be parallel to the curb and about 18 inches from it.

Parking on a Hill

Parking on a hill is not as easy as you might think. If your brakes fail, your vehicle could roll down. To avoid this, here are some tips:


Being aware of the parking laws in California is more than just avoiding the tickets and fines.

It’s also there to prevent traffic and/or accidents.

So now that you know the California parking laws, make sure you do your best to obey them.

This way, you’ll be able to keep everyone safe on the road…

As well as avoid annoying tickets and fines.

Want to learn about the distracted driving laws in California? Then check out our article on it here.