Maternity Leave in India 2023 : Rules, Importance & Benefits

Pregnancy is a sacred time when a mother and her child bond while the child is developing, but this extends far beyond that. The journey from pregnancy to motherhood is something that every new mom wants to cherish.

However, what about soon-to-be mothers in the workforce, who are looking forward to embarking on their journey of motherhood. The support that Indian mothers receive, before and after they have a child, is ingrained in our Indian culture. Therefore, it makes sense to have the same focus on motherhood, even at the workplace. This is possible only with the Maternity Benefit Act sanctioned by the Indian government, which allows soon-to-be mothers to focus on their family, and take some time from work, in the form of maternity leave.

Maternity leave is a work-sanctioned period of absence that working women can utilise before and/or after they deliver a child. The Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 lays down the rules and regulations that concern maternity leave in India. In this Maternity Act, women who are eligible to take a maternity leave and who work at recognized organisations and factories can apply for maternity leave for up to 6 months. Women employees can take their maternity leave either before or after they deliver their child. Their maternity leave can also span a period before and after their delivery as well. During this leave period, the woman's employer is required to pay the woman employee her salary in its entirety.

In addition to the standard maternity leave rules in India, employers can provide further maternity leave as a benefit to their women employees. The Maternity Benefit Act has been updated several times to safeguard and protect the interests of their women employees. This Act was updated as recently as 2017, and covers work from home or hybrid work models, in addition to allowing new mothers additional paid days off.

The Maternity Benefit Act in India supports women before and after the birth of their child. It safeguards and protects their interests and livelihood, and allows them to nurture their newborns while taking care of themselves.
