Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research

The weather on planet Earth is a vital and sometimes fatal force in human affairs. Efforts to control or reduce the harmful impacts of weather go back far in time. In this, the latest National Academies' assessment of weather modification, the committee was asked to assess the ability of current and proposed weather modification capabilities to provide beneficial impacts on water resource management and weather hazard mitigation. It examines new technologies, reviews advances in numerical modeling on the cloud and mesoscale, and considers how improvements in computer capabilities might be applied to weather modification. Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research examines the status of the science underlying weather modification in the United States. It calls for a coordinated national research program to answer fundamental questions about basic atmospheric processes and to address other issues that are impeding progress in weather modification.

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National Research Council. 2003. Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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143 pages | 8.5 x 11 |

Chapters skim
Front Matter i-xii
Executive Summary 1-8
1 Introduction 9-22
2 Current Status of Weather Modification Operations and Research 23-38
3 Evaluation Requirements for Weather Modification 39-44
4 Tools and Techniques for Advancing Our Understanding 45-66
5 Conclusions and Recommendations 67-74
References 75-88
Appendix A: Glaciogenic and Hygroscopic Seeding: Previous Research and Current Status 89-106
Appendix B: Modern Statistical Methods and Weather Modification Research 107-113
Appendix C: Glossary 114-117
Appendix D: Acronyms 118-118
Appendix E: Community Participation 119-120
Appendix F: Committee Member Biographies 121-123
Plates 1-8 124-131

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